Our Spiritual Life
The Our Spiritual Life podcast (formerly called "Spirituality & Consciousness") is intended to help people apply spiritual principles, lessons, and techniques in their own lives so they can feel more spiritually connected to life and be happy and fulfilled. To do that with a breadth and diversity of ideas, we provide meaningful interviews / conversations with interesting guests focusing at a high level on how listeners can apply the ideas in their lives. The podcast is for those who want to experience greater spiritual growth, love, and connection with the Infinite Oneness. We want to do our part in helping mankind to awaken, evolve in consciousness, and make a positive difference in the world. Raymond Posch, the host, is a voice for love (and informal spiritual teacher) who is also a folk music singer as well as spiritual podcaster. To learn more, see his website RaymondPosch.com. He is author of the book Awakening to Wholeness, available on Amazon. He can be contacted at ray@raymondposch.com or 720-236-2221. Our Spiritual Life was honored to be included in the FeedSpot 100 Best Spiritual Podcasts (https://blog.feedspot.com/spiritual_podcasts) in May 2023.
Our Spiritual Life
S4E13 - Master Your Connection with Everything with Karen Cleveland
I'm a folk singer/songwriter as well as a podcast host, and I begin this episode by singing my new song called Love is Our Way (also the title of a previous episode). I hope you enjoy it. But in the rest of the episode I had a great conversation with my guest Karen Cleveland. She is a spiritual coach who helps people with their connections to everything - the Universe/God, themselves, other people, animals, and the world as a whole. She is also a minister at a Center for Spiritual Living near Seattle. She described how developing a daily spiritual practice changed her life. So Karen and I had an interesting conversation about connectedness, oneness, science of mind, awareness, the law of attraction, communication with animals, and much more. One thing that we absolutely agreed on is that Oneness is central to spiritual awakening, living consciously, and being happy and in tune with life. One of her key beliefs (and mine also) is that we are not meant to struggle. And if we are struggling or if we are stuck, we can get unstuck. Changing our thinking is part of that, but equally important is to "pay attention to our soul / heart / feelings" and respond to that inner guidance. Science of mind, which is key to New Thought and to the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living, focuses on having a more structured way of thinking about what we want to create in our lives and using visualization and affirmative prayer. As we were wrapping up our conversation, Karen told us that, whatever is going on in our lives, "There is always hope", and also "The better we can do (in spiritual practice and living consciously), the more we can help others." Very important guidance in these challenging times. She has a podcast called The Connectedness Podcast, and you can learn more about her on her website RevKarenCleveland.com.
Per Raymond Posch (host) - All 108 episodes of Our Spiritual Life remain accessible, but new episodes are not being added. All new episodes are being published under my New Ways of Being podcast. Learn about me and New Ways of Being at RaymondPosch.com. Listen to new episodes at www.NewWaysofBeing.world.
Our Spiritual Life was honored to be included in the FeedSpot 100 Best Spiritual Podcasts (blog.feedspot.com/spiritual_podcasts) in May 2023.
Please feel free to contact me at any time at ray@raymondposch.com.